Training, Research and Capacity Building Unit (TRCBU)

The Training, Research and Capacity Building Unit (TRCBU) is responsible for local training as well as overseas training. The Unit is also responsible for offering elective (medical) placement, clinical (nursing) placement and placement in other health related department under the Health Professionals Training Framework.

The TRCBU receives projects/surveys for granting of ethical clearance. Issue of No Objection Certificates (NOC) And Statement Of Need (SON) and Clinical Trials involving human subjects also fall under the purview of the TRCBU.

Name Designation E-mail address Telephone Number Fax Number
Mrs. Z. B. Lallmahomed Permanent Secretary 201 1921 / 201 3719 208 1147
  Deputy Permanent Secretary 201 1892 201 2330
Dr. V.T. Mohabeer Director Health Services 201 1199  

Completed Programmes

The training arm of the Ministry, has successfully completed 12 training programmes for the FY under review.  As a result, 837 Officers were trained in Community Health Care, Nephrology, Physiotherapy Assisting, Catering Management, Crash Course Training for SAMU Ambulance Drivers, and Continuing Professional Development (CPDs) for Doctors and Dental Surgeons, amongst others.

The MIH has also been the Awarding Body for the Central School of Nursing and the Polytechnics Mauritius for the Top-Up Programme leading to a National Diploma in Nursing and the National Diploma in Nursing respectively.

The Virtual Health Library Mauritius (VHLM) of the MIH hosts several databases and local reports, research studies, statistics and other documents pertaining to various health concerns, and provides online access to a series of international medical journals, articles, e-books and evidence-based guidelines.  The VHLM is accessible to the public and private institutions and individuals. User education and demonstration activities are conducted at the MIH to maximize usage. For the Financial Year 2022-2023, 4,044 health personnel have been registered under the portal. A total of 180 Clinical Guidelines covering about 35 specific pathologies were hosted on the VHLM.

            The following are accessible on the portal:

Major Communicable Diseases

12 guidelines covering the following subjects:  poliomyelitis, influenza AH1N1, MERS-CORONAVIRUS, ebola virus, disease, plague, zika virus disease, antimicrobial         resistance, chikungunya and dengue. 

National Infection Prevention Control

The National Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines consist of a set of 20 Standard Operating Procedures

At the Central School of Nursing (CSN), 5 training programmes were successfully completed and a total of 350 Officers were trained in different fields namely, First Aid Course, Diploma in Nursing, Certificate in Post Basic Community Health Nursing and Certificate in Clinical Nursing Management and Ward Administration.

At the Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd (PML), a total of 80 Midwives (Acting Midwives, Principal Midwives, Senior Midwives, and Midwives) were trained in the Diploma in Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing course.

Ongoing Programmes

There are currently 8 ongoing programmes at the MIH, aiming to train around 100 Officers of the Ministry.

2 research programmes are currently underway at the MIH, namely the Birth Defects Registry and the International Tobacco Control Evaluation Project in collaboration with the University of Waterloo.

482 Officers are being trained in Diploma in Nursing, Basic Midwifery and Health Care Assisting.

33 Nursing Officers are being trained in Diploma in Mental Health Nursing.

Forthcoming Training

  • Diplôme d’hygiène Hospitalière, gestion des anti-microbiens et de prévention des infections associées aux soins (starting on 17 July 2023 with 30 participants).
  • Diplôme Universitaire de spécialisation en médicine d’urgence for Medical and Health Officers.
  • National Diploma in Diabetes Foot Care Nursing (two-year course, 3rd cohort).
  • National Certificate Level 5 in Community Health Care for 15 trainees.
  • Certificate in Health Information Management and Clinical Coding.
  • National Certificate Level 5 in Community Based Rehabilitation.
  • CPD for Medical and Dental Officers and online CPD.
  • Upcoming courses at the CSN namely the National Diploma in Nursing, Certificate in Health Care Assistant, Certificate in Clinical Nursing Management and Ward Administration, and Certificate in Hospital Nursing Administration, whereby 212 Officers are expected to receive training.
  • The Ministry is in process of providing training under an ‘Accord Cadre de Coopération’ in collaboration with the University of Mauritius (UoM), the University of Bordeaux, CHU Bordeaux and the French Embassy in order to provide postgraduate courses to our doctors.

In the first instance, training will be provided in Imagerie Médicale and Anesthésie-Réanimation.

  • Diploma in Biomedical Sciences for 25 Trainee Medical Laboratory Technologists.
  • Diploma in Medical Imaging Technology for 34 Medical Imaging Technologists (30 Mauritians and 4 Rodriguans).
  • Postgraduate Diploma in HIV-AIDS Care for around 25
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine for around 40
  • Diploma in Oncology Nursing – A list of male and female Nursing Supervisors, Ward Managers and Nursing Officers has been received and same is currently being processed on file.

Overseas Training

This Ministry is often called upon to nominate officers to attend training abroad. The requests emanate from different Training Institutions/ Organisations like the ITEC, IAEA, WHO, SADC, Africa CDC, among others.

The training aim at enhancing the knowledge of participants in their field of study. Since January 2022 till date, some 211 officers from the Ministry of Health and Wellness have received training offered by the different Training Institutions/ Organisations abroad.


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

As per the MoU signed between the Ministry and the Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd (PML), the latter is currently conducting training in Diploma in Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing for 80 Midwives and Diploma in Mental Health Nursing for 33 Nursing Officers.

The Ministry is in process to sign an ‘Accord Cadre de Coopération’ in collaboration with the University of Mauritius (UoM), the University of Bordeaux, CHU Bordeaux and the French Embassy in order to provide postgraduate courses to our doctors.

Clinical Placement

The Health Professionals Training Framework between the Ministry of Health and the University of Mauritius offers professional placement to undergraduate students in the fields of Biomedical Sciences, Nutritional Sciences, Pharmacy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Medical Imaging Technology and Sanitary Sciences and any other new health related programmes. 

The MoU between the Ministry of Health, UoM and University of Geneva provides clinical facilities within public hospitals and specialised hospitals, for the clinical training of the undergraduate medical students of the programme. 

The Ministry of Health also have Clinical Training Framework (CTF) Agreements and Supplemental Agreements signed with SSR Medical College, Anna Medical College, PML and Curtin Mauritius to cater for clinical training of undergraduate medical and nursing students at our public hospitals, specialised Hospital and Primary Health Care Centres.

Medical/Nursing/Non-Medical Placements

The Ministry has offered elective placement to 90 undergraduate medical students and 3 undergraduate nursing students in our Public Hospitals during the FY. In regard to undergraduate non-medical placement, same has been offered to 10 Mauritian students studying locally and 5 Mauritian students studying abroad during the FY.

No Objection Certificate(NOC) and Statement of Need (SON)

The Ministry has issued 7 NOCs to doctors who are pursuing postgraduate studies in South Africa during the FY.

National Ethics Committee

The main purpose of the National Ethics Committee (NEC) is to give ethical clearance before conducting any research involving human subjects.   The main function of the NEC, amongst others, is to receive and review proposals for human research projects to determine whether they meet all relevant ethical standards and subsequently, approval is granted.

From 01 July 2022 to 30 June 2023, the National Ethics Committee granted clearance to 
36 project proposals.

Clinical Research Regulatory Council

Section 3 of the Clinical Trials Act 2011 provides for the establishment of a CRRC comprising representatives, inter alia, in the fields of internal medicine, biomedical research, Pharmacy, pharmacology, clinical trials, health statistics and law. The functions and powers of the Council are, inter alia, to:-

(a)         consider and grant or refuse applications for a trial license;

(b)        issue, amend, extend, review, suspend or cancel trial licenses;

(c)         provide for the health, welfare, safety and protection of subjects; and

(d)        perform such duties not inconsistent with this Act, as may be entrusted to it in writing by the Minister.




Total number of Research Protocols received


Initial Research protocol reviewed

–        Initial Research protocol not approved (1)

–        Issue of Trial Licence to initial research studies (7)


Amended Research protocol reviewed 



Total number of Clinical Trial Licences renewed



Total funds collected (Rs)

1,220, 000


Other activities:

Organization of one consultative workshop: 31.01.23

Participation in stakeholder’s meetings: MoHW, EDB, CIDP


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