Procurement and Supply Unit


The Procurement and Supply Unit of the MOHW is responsible for the planning, management, acquisition, maintenance, storage, stock control and distribution of hi-tech medical equipment, other medical equipment, surgical items, pharmaceutical products as well as other goods, works and services required. The Unit is broadly subdivided into the Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical Sections. There is also a Clearing and Forwarding Unit for customs clearances at the Airport and Seaport, a Stock Control Unit and a Procurement Unit in each of the Regional Hospitals. 

The Procurement of Pharmaceutical Items Section deals mainly with the purchase of above MUR 1.2 billion worth drugs, vaccines and active pharmaceutical ingredients annually. The Procurement of Non-Pharmaceutical Items Section deals with all procurement other than drugs and vaccines such as medical equipment, consumables, reagents, among others equally worth more than MUR 1.2 billion annually.

Name Designation E-mail address Telephone Number Fax Number
​Mrs. B.S.Gungadeen ​Deputy Permanent Secretary ​​ ​214 7182  
​Mrs. J. W. C. Somun ​Assistant Permanent Secretary ​​wsomun​​ ​214 3678 ​201 1491
​​​Mr. A. Punio-Naiko ​Assistant Permanent Secretary ​​​ ​214 4228 ​201 1491
Dr. V.T. Mohabeer Director Health Services ​​ 201 1199  
​​Mr. J. Bohoorun Ag. Director, Pharmaceutical Services​ ​ ​201 2697 214 4223 / 201 3326
​Mr. C. Kripa ​Manager Procurement and Supply​ ​​201 2174  
​Mr. A. Soobratty ​Manager Procurement and Supply ​​ ​​201 2089 ​214 3618
​Mr. K. Prayag ​Manager Procurement and Supply ​ ​​201 2089  

The Procurement Section is also responsible to ensure proper storage and distribution of all items procured to relevant health institution. The Central Supplies Division is responsible for stocking and monitoring the overall stock of pharmaceutical products and other consumables, such as gloves, masks and suture materials, amongst others.

In order to avoid cases of shortage, the Stock Control Unit monitors and apprise management of the requirements for replenishment of the stock of relevant items.

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