Project Implementation Unit
The Ministry has embarked on the implementation of numerous projects in the health sector comprising new, state-of-the-art and ICT-enabled upgraded health infrastructure for the improvement of health services in Mauritius.
The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) is responsible for the proper implementation of capital projects, minor infrastructural works and digitalisation projects at the Ministry. Consultancy Services for the implementation of capital projects which are major and highly specialised health infrastructural projects have been entrusted to Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation (India) Ltd., a Government of India enterprise under a G-2- G Agreement with the Government of India. The Ministry of National Infrastructure and Community Development (MNICD) also provides technical expertise for the implementation infrastructural projects.
For Financial Year 2022-2023 some MUR 2.2 billion were budgeted for health infrastructural works for a total Project Value of around MUR 19.2 billion.
Furthermore, the Ministry has also embarked on more than 200 projects of upgrading of the existing health infrastructures which include upgrading works, leakages, extension of existing services, paintings, renovation in all five Health Regions.
Name | Designation | E-mail address | Telephone Number | Fax Number |
Dr. V.T. Mohabeer | Director Health Services | | 201 1199 | N/A |
Ms. A.D. Beeharry | Lead Programme Manager, Central Informatics Bureau | | N/A | N/A |
Mr. N. Namah | Chief Hospital Administrator | | 201 2704 | 2012368 |
Mr. I. Mungroo | Engineer / Senior Engineer (Civil) | | N/A | N/A |
Mr. F. Cango | Engineer / Senior Engineer (Civil) | | N/A | N/A |
Mrs. B. S. Ozeer | Technical Officer | | 214 8844 | N/A |
Mr. S.K. Surroop | Senior System Analyst | | 490 4200 (Ext 2048) | N/A |
This Ministry is implementing some MUR 19.2 billion worth Capital Projects comprising:
- Phase 1 of the new Flacq Teaching Hospital
- New Cancer Centre
- Extension and Renovation of the pharmacy at Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital
- 7 New Mediclinics at Stanley, Coromandel, Bel Air, Quartier Militaire, Chemin Grenier, Grand Bois and Rivière du Rempart
- 6 New Area Health Centres at Henrietta, Cap Malheureux, New Grove, Plaine Magnien, Curepipe and Bambous
- 11 New Community Centres at St Francois Xavier, Roche Bois, Grand Bay, Pointe aux Sables, Trou d’Eau Douce, Camp de Masque, Baie du Cap, Case Noyale, Piton, Ecroignard, Camp Thorel and Tamarin
The Ministry embarked on three (3) projects under the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) scheme through a Public Private Partnership mechanism in the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical sector at the Côte d’Or Integrated Smart City by Landscope (Mauritius) Ltd. The three projects are as follows:
- A new state-of-the-art National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) Centre: The NHLS Centre is expected to act as the apex of the Health Laboratory System in the Republic of Mauritius. The Centre shall be the principal public health laboratory of the Republic of Mauritius and will provide quality laboratory investigations and technical coordination of the entire network of health-related laboratories.
- A Modern Medical Warehouse (MMW) in line with best storage practices: The project will comprise the construction of an ecofriendly building housing the Modern Medical Warehouse. The building will be around 30,000 m2 with space requirement of minimum of 125,000 m3 and will include such necessary compartments for pharmaceutical products, medical and surgical consumables and fabrics, laboratory consumables, equipment and reagents, controlled substances, family planning and Ayurvedic drugs, and flammable products storage.
- A New State-of-the-Art Cardiac Hospital (NSCH): The new facility will act as the apex body of the cardiac services in Mauritius and will be the centre of Reference and Excellence in the region. The NSCH is expected to improve cardiac, thoracic and vascular services and facilities in Mauritius.
The DHO functions with the close collaboration of the Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation (MITCI), with the Central Informatics Bureau (CIB) providing the Policy and Programme Management Support and the Central Information Systems Division (CISD) providing operational support to digitalisation and computerisation initiatives at the Ministry of Health and Wellness. Support from the IT Security Unit and the Government Online Centre are enlisted when required. Staff with ICT background from the MOHW also support the DHO in its functioning. In addition, a Project Officer from the UNDP coordinates the activities under the eHealth Portfolio collaboration with the UNDP.
The main activities of the DHO are, inter-alia:
- Under the eHealth Portfolio with the UNDP:
- Implementing eHealth in all Public Hospital for which, Phase 1, spanning over 18 months, would comprise the implementation of a Patient Administration System, a new National Blood Transfusion System, a Patient Portal and Reporting;
- Undertaking a Site Readiness Assessment in all public health facilities for eHealth implementation; and
- Overseeing the drafting of a Digital Health Law and a Digital Health Strategic Framework;
- Through the collaboration with the World Health Organization:
- Implementing the “Mo Bienet” “SMART HealthApp” for Infection Prevention and Control and public awareness of health events;
- Expanding the use of DHIS-2 for the HIV and AIDS programme, the Expanded Programme against Immunisation and the electronic Diseases Surveillance and Response; and
- Training of user departments and officers from the DHO on the use of DHIS-2;
- Coordinating with user departments for new requests for ICT equipment and repairs;
- Ensuring up-to-date Hardware and Software Maintenance Agreements for ICT solutions;
- Maintaining the Asset Registry for ICT equipment;
- Piloting the implementation of a Digital Radiology system at Dr. A.G. Jeetoo Hospital and a National Digital Renal Registry;
- Initiating the implementation of Local Area Network in all public health facilities across the five Health Regions for the implementation of eHealth; and
- Renewing the outlook of the website of the Ministry of Health and Wellness.