Primary Health Care Unit

Primary Health Care (PHC) services are provided through a network of 19 Area Health Centres, 114 Community Health Centres, 6 Medi-Clinics, 2 Community Hospitals and other satellite PHC institutions. The network of PHC facilities is such as to enhance accessibility to primary care within a radius of 3 km. In 2021, a total of 4.7 million attendances were recorded at the 141 primary health care institutions for the treatment of common diseases and minor injuries. Moreover, in the same year, 96 pre-primary schools were visited and 2,006 children were screened for common illness and dental carries. 210 children were referred to PHC institutions for vaccination. There were some 175,608 attendances at Maternal and Child Health Services Clinics in 2021.

Name Designation E-mail address Telephone Number Fax Number
Mrs. Z. B. Lallmahomed Permanent Secretary 201 1921 / 201 3719 208 1147
  Deputy Permanent Secretary 201 1914 201 1719
  Assistant Permanent Secretary 201 3343  
  Director Health Services 201 1935  
Dr. J. Sonoo Director Laboratory Services 425 7118 424 5848
Mr. N. Namah Chief Hospital Administrator 201 2704 201 2368
Mr. J. Sunkur Chief Demographer 201 1895 201 2524
Dr. T. Guness Sexual and Reproductive Health Coordinator      

Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) Unit is a Public Health Office in the Ministry of Health and Wellness that consists of various programmes that are strategically placed to address Maternal Neonatal Child Health as well as Sexual and Reproductive health and rights including adolescent sexual health. The unit is committed to promote and advance reproductive health and rights, especially for women and young people.

The different programmes that make up the SRH Unit are as follows:

Family Planning;
Safe Motherhood;
Infant and Child Health;
Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health;
Cancers of the Reproductive Tract among Females;
Gender and Sexual and Reproductive Health;
Male Sexual Dysfunctions; and

The Central Health Laboratory (CHL) which is the apex body of public laboratory network in the Republic of Mauritius functions as both clinical and public health laboratory. CHL has been highly effective and proactive in responding to the pandemic by providing timely diagnosis, patient monitoring, as well as epidemiologic surveillance.

Currently, the CHL has a test menu of more than 350 tests and this is expected to go up as health services are expanding for example with New Cancer Hospital and upcoming Transplantation Programme.

Health Laboratory Service covers nine departments comprising of Bacteriology, Biochemistry, Blood Transfusion Services, Cytology, Haematology, Histopathology, Parasitology, Virology and Molecular Biology.

It also operates a network of regional and peripheral laboratories. The services provided by regional laboratories include Routine Biochemistry, Blood Bank/Cross Matching, Haematology, Parasitology and Bacteriology (at Dr. AGJH Laboratory only) while peripheral laboratories provide basic Biochemistry, Haematology and Parasitology services The National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) is responsible for recruitment of voluntary blood donors through education, information and motivation, collection of blood at fixed and mobile sites, processing of blood into components, testing and supply of blood and blood products to all public and private health institutions in the country.

The Demographic/Evaluation Unit monitors and evaluates the national family planning programme in Mauritius. The Unit coordinates with government departments and non-governmental organisations involved in family planning in order to streamline data collection and analysis.

Moreover, the Demographic/Evaluation Unit publishes several reports, including a yearbook that provides detailed statistics on the population trends and family planning for Islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues. Our publications are intended for programme managers, policy makers, researchers and the general public.

Since its establishment in 1967, the Demographic/Evaluation Unit has been instrumental in assisting the Government in formulating its population policy objectives. The Unit provides valuable insights and analysis to support the development and implementation of strategies and interventions.

The statistics generated by the Demographic/Evaluation Unit are essential for decision-making in delivering family planning services and also as a benchmark for achieving social outcomes. Key indicators from the contraceptive prevalence surveys, such as the contraceptive prevalence rate and unmet need for family planning are essential in assessing the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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